Where to buy

Grapes Moldova

Grapes Moldova

Table grapes . Refers to the medium-late or late (independing on growing conditions) period of maturation (15 - September 25) . In the northern areas of the Rostov region in some years until the end of the harvest may not ripen . The leaves are large, round, five-blade, almost entire or slightly dissected . Plate folded or weakly reticulate-wrinkled . On the bottom surface of the sheet is weak bristlypubescence . Flower hermaphrodite . Bunch of cylindrical or conical, medium density . The average weight of bunches of 385 grams . The largest weigh up to a kilogram . berry large (2,5 x 1,9 cm), oval, dark purple, with a thick waxy coating . The skin is usually thick, dense, tough . The flesh is meaty, crunchy . Taste simple . Moldova - Classstrongly stalwart that should be considered when selecting the seating plan . Thickening for it is unacceptable, since in this case there soon sprouting vines in the vines and crop damage . The clusters thus become loose and relatively small . shallow and berry . good for him long sleeve formirovki with free placement of growth . InKrasnodar region has highly plantings of grapes planted under the scheme (4 x 5 m) . But the best grapes Moldova manifests itself in horizontal bowline culture . In this case, clusters and berries reach their best sizes . Already 8 - 10 th year with the bowline culture and receive good care of 150 - 170 kilogramswell-developed shrub . Vertical conduct annual growth for this class barely acceptable, because it stimulates the already strong tall variety to even greater growth in crop damage . Although in the vertical placement of the annual increment can get a high quality crop, if achieved an optimal combination of annualgrowth, with significant yield . Unfortunately, this is not always achieved . Do not tolerate this grape harvest as overload and underload, ie recognizes competent winegrower . Moldova soon enters a time of full fruiting . Grade loves warm, good nutrition and soil moisture . Sensitive to lime chlorosis . Winter hardiness is average . Grapes of Moldova is quite resistant to fungal diseases . Against mildew almost no chemical treatments required . Against oidium in some years it is necessary 1 - 2 pollination . Grade with increased Fillokseroustoychivostyu that allows productively grow its own roots a zone of continuous phylloxera infestation . Resistance to botrytis high . Resistant to Phomopsis . Moldova has high marketability, transportability and keeping quality . Grapes well kept on the bushes. When ripe harvest figures transportability and keeping quality are greatly reduced .

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