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Grapes Furmint

Grapes Furmint

Hungarian technical kind of grapes . Distributed in Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Italy . Refers to the eco-geographical group of grapes Black Sea . According to the analysis of DNA, this sort of a cross between Gouais Blanc (Heunisch Weiss) and unknown Hungarian grade . Crown younger escape, and his first two leaves are covered belowwhite tomentose pubescence . Follow the young leaves, corrugated, light green, dark pink bordering teeth, have formed a long white top entangled pubescence, thick bottom, Felt . A one-year escape ripe dark yellow with big eyes . sheet of medium-sized and large, rounded, low and middledissected, three-bladed . leaf plate with raised edges, saucer-shaped or funnel-wide . The upper and lower cut-outs are small, open, in the form of an incoming angle, sometimes average depth pinnatipartite . Cherenkov recess wide open, peristo- separate, sometimes arched . End teeth large, triangular, with widebase acute . Marginal teeth triangular-serrate, acute, with slightly convex sides . pubescence bottom surface of the sheet is formed by long white tangled hairs on veins bristly, dense . Flower hermaphrodite . Stem of the average (length of 12 - 16, a width of 7 - 10 cm), almost cylindrical and helical-bevel, averagedensity or loose . Leg clusters of medium length, up to 4 cm, grass-green . The average weight of bunches of 100 - 120 g . Berry medium size (length of 12 - 16, a width of 10 - 14 mm), roundish, yellowish -Green tan with brown spots on the sunny side . The average weight of 100 berries 180 - 250 g . The skin of medium thickness, fragile, juicy flesh, melting . pleasant tasteWine and sweet . berry seeds in 2 - 4 . Leading signs Furmint grape varieties: large, leathery, almost entire, funnel-shaped or saucer-shaped leaves; on the bottom side of their densely pubescent and outliers veins, brownish-red wine, not matured shoots, almost cylindrical, slightly curved sickle cluster with white berries; abundancedegenerate berries . seedlings with erect stems . Leaves pubescent, see), almost entire, reticulate-rugose, with large teeth and wide vaulted petiolate notch . pubescent leaves formed a long white hairs mixed up . autumn coloring them yellow . The vegetation period . From blooming buds to a removable full maturitygrape passes 165 days for a sum of active temperatures 2960 ° C . ripening occurs late in the second decade of October . The strength of growth of bushes average and strong . Annual shoots ripen well . Yield . Furmint refers to varieties the average yield of grapes. fruit-shoots-bearing 65%, the average number of bunches to develop1.1 escape, in the fruitful 1.7 . Resistance . Grade resistant to mildew, bacterial canker; susceptible to mildew and botrytis, damaged moth and carpal phylloxera . In the years with the slightest adverse weather conditions during flowering manifested shedding of flowers, ovaries and berries degeneration . Resistance to frost is verylow . In the Crimea eyes partially freeze slightly even at minus 15 ° C . Features farming grapes . Furmint grows well and bears fruit in different soils . The best results it gives to the southern and south-western slopes with fertile slate -glinistymi and clayey soils schebenchatymi . In the area of ​​zoning it is better to grow on the trunk, withoutlateral shoots without shelter of bushes for the winter . Load bushes eyes 30 - 35 at the length of the fruit of the arrow 7 - 8 holes . To increase yield and reduce degeneration of berries advisable to use a mixed planting, alternating rows of Furmint (30%) with Gars Level ( 70%) . Technological Feature . The texture of the bunch,% juice - 78, combs - 5.4peel, dense parts of pulp and seeds-16.6 . The average sugar content of 19.8 g / 100 ml, the acidity of 8.1 g / l . On the southern coast of Crimea and Transcarpathia sugar in the juice when planting fruit reached 27 - 33 g / 100 ml, which allows you to cook from it, and sort of Gars Level high quality dessert wine Tokay type . In Transcarpathia is prepared as table aged wine Kvitymeadows, based on a blend Furmint (80%) and Garcia Level (20%) . In Hungary, this grape variety is prepared the famous Tokaj wine .

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