Name in latin : Lactarius torminosus (SCHFF . EX FR . ) S . F . GRAY
Popular : form mycorrhiza with birch (mostly with old trees)
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : sometimes confused with this Sandy, but the latter, however, neverhas a fleecy hats and white latex
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie and forest-steppe, throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, but also found in the north, for example, in Alaska
Taste : with a sharp taste
Grow : in birch and mixed with birch forests
Smell : no special smell
Name in latin : Lactarius serifluus
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom
Taste : not with a sharp taste
Grow : in deciduous and mixed forests
Smell : with original fruity odor
Name in latin : Lepiota leucothites \ Lepiota naucina
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : often mistaken for a mushroom, although records his turn pink insteaddark brown . Danger would confuse it with pale white fly agaric toadstool or
Edible : good edible mushroom
Distribution : in Ukraine ,
Grow : in mixed forests, meadows, forest edges, in gardens, fields and pastures
Smell : with a pleasant smell of mushroom
Name in latin : Lepiota helveola
Edible : deadly poisonous mushroom
Distribution : found in the Barrens
Taste : no special taste
Grow : in open grassy places on the edges, in parks
Smell : no special smell
Name in latin : Lepiota brunneo-incarnata
Edible : deadly poisonous mushroom
Distribution : mushroom found in Central Asia and Ukraine (in the vicinity of Donetsk) . MushroomThis is common in Western Europe ,
Grow : it is found in parks, lawns, meadows
Smell : fresh fruit bodies smell like fruit, dried fruiting bodies have a very unpleasant smell
Name in latin : Lepista sordida
Edible : edible mushroom
Grow : in open spaces, gardens and orchards, meadows, on the edge of the forest, forest edges, group and single-beam, rare
Smell : odorless
Name in latin : Clitocybe gigantea
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in the Crimea and the Carpathians
Taste : toothsome (eventually slightly bitter)
Grow : coniferous and mixed, predominantly mountain forests, meadows and pastures in large groups, forming the so-called "witches rings"
Smell : smells like flour
Name in latin : Hypholoma fasciculare \ Naematoloma fasciculare
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with some types of edible autumn Hypholoma - edible Hypholoma poppy, bitter lozhnoopenkom brown-red, as well as summer and autumn Estimates
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : he is ample in Europe, North America, Asia and North Africa, but also in the growingAustralia and South Africa to
Taste : bitter
Grow : large beams, sometimes numbering up to fifty fruits fused bases of the legs . You can find it on the stumps, trunks, underground roots of a wide variety of trees, but mostly on the roots of pine, spruce, beech, oak ,
Smell : null
Name in latin : Lyophyllum connatum
Edible : good edible mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie and the Carpathians
Taste : comfort
Grow : in deciduous and coniferous forests, large closegroups in which the legs are fused at the base ,
Smell : with a pleasant smell of perfume
Name in latin : Tricholoma aggregatum
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with poisonous mushroom - Tricholoma accrete (Lyophyllum connatum) which has a light color
Edible : good edible mushroom
Distribution : in Ukraine
Taste : with a pleasant taste
Grow : in deciduous forests (most glades) out of the forest in open places, large groups to
Smell : with a pleasant smell
Name in latin : Marasmius wynnei
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : America and Europe ,
Taste : null
Grow : a group of fallen leaves and needles, as well as in the grass
Smell : featureless
Name in latin : Micromphale perforans
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with Marasmius scorodonius
Edible : inedible mushroom
Distribution : widespread inNorth America
Taste : bad
Grow : occurs most often in the mountains, in the coniferous forests, growing on fallen pine needles of spruce and larch
Smell : unpleasant smell, smells like rotten cabbage
Name in latin : Xerocomus subtomentosus
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : a rare type of X . spadiceus, whose hat is not velvety, and color it red-brown to dark brown, and yellow stem has a delicate red grid
Edible : edible
Distribution : in Polesie, in the forest-steppe and Carpathian
Taste : in raw form - nice
Grow : in coniferous and deciduous forests
Smell : raw pleasant
Name in latin : Boletinus cavipes
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : greasers tridentinus, characterized by narrow margins red-orange tubes
Edible : edible
Distribution : found only under the larches in all the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere
Taste : in finished form - sometimes several burning
Grow : inlowlands grows less, and on the hills - abundantly
Smell : comfort
Name in latin : Xerocomus chrysenteron (BULL . EX ST . AM . ) QUEl . Boletaceae
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : X . porosporus, Boletellus fragilipes, B . zelleri - distinguishable only under the microscope to form spores
Edible : edible
Distribution : found throughout Ukraine
Taste : especially delicious are his young fruit
Grow : In abundance growing in the summer to autumn everywhere except peat bogs and high mountains
Name in latin : Boletus versicolor Rostk .
Edible : edible
Distribution : found throughout Ukraine
Grow : in deciduous and mixed forests
Name in latin : Suillus variegatus
Popular : in Polesie, in the Carpathian and steppe
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : only with edible Oiler cow, the latter is also growing under the pine trees, but has brown fruiting bodies and bald and not velvety surface of the cap
Edible : edible
Distribution : this fungus and peat bog under pine, as well as high in the mountains, in the subalpine zone, beneath the pine elfin wood . It can be found from June to November
Taste : in the finalform - a nice, tasty, as good as the other boletus
Grow : found in coniferous and mixed forests, especially at the edges, from July to late October
Smell : fruit
Name in latin : Chroogomphus helveticus
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with purple mokruhu Gomphidius rutilus (Chroogomphus rutilus), which is characterized by smooth skin, as well as mokruhu felt Chroogomphus tomentosus , which is covered with a whitish cap felt pubescence
Edible : edible mushroom average quality
Distribution : in the whole of Eurasia and North America . In some places it together with pine and settled in the southern hemisphere ,
Taste : has a sweet taste
Grow : mostly in mountain coniferous forests . form mycorrhiza with firs and cedars
Smell : a featureless smell
Name in latin : Chroogomphus rutilus (SCHFF . EX FR . ) O . K . MILLER
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in the whole of Eurasia and North America, the Russian Federation . In some places it together with pine and settled in Southern Hemisphere
Taste : a mushroom flavor in taste close to boletus
Grow : on the ground in coniferous and mixed forests, on the heath, usually next to pine trees, often at higher elevations
Smell : a mushroom odor
Name in latin : Morchella conica
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with a poisonous stitch ordinary (Gyromitra esculenta) . However, morel caps are not ribbed and wavy-winding, shapeless
Edible : edible
Taste : raw mushroom - tastes inexpressive, ready-made - delicious
Smell : raw mushroom - the smell of wishy-washy

Numeric filters

Edible mushrooms

deadly poisonous
not edible

mild taste
slightly bitter
the most delicious