Name in latin : Clitocybe rivulosa
Edible : deadly poisonous mushroom
Distribution : in the Carpathian region, forest-steppe and the Crimea
Taste : wishy-washy, mealy smell
Grow : in coniferous and deciduous forests, meadows, forest edges (on the grassy field), bows, pastures, groups to
Smell : with a weak pleasant smell
Name in latin : Lepista inversa
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : European part of Russia, the North Caucasus,Primorsky Territory
Grow : mainly coniferous, at least in mixed forests ,
Name in latin : Clitocybe vibecina
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : poisonous Entoloma tin (Entoloma sinuatum) wherein ocher tinthats and winding pinkish plates
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom
Distribution : in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere ,
Taste : soft, powdery or bad - rancid-flour
Grow : usually in groups (rows or arcs) rarely solitary . It prefers sparse dry coniferous forests up to the moors . Occasionally found in deciduous - birch, beech, oak . Tends to be poor acidic soils
Smell : mealy or musty-mealy (smell of rancid flour), generally weak (especially in wet weather) is enhanced if the fruiting body damage or dry
Name in latin : Clitocybe cerussata
Edible : deadly poisonous mushroom
Distribution : in Ukraine
Taste : toothsome
Grow : large groups in coniferous and deciduous forests
Smell : pleasant odor
Name in latin : Collybia dryophila (BULL, EX FR . )
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere
Taste : mushroom ,
Grow : a group of fallen leaves and needles, as well as in the grass, in the spruce forests
Smell : mushroom
Name in latin : Collybia asema (Fr . : Fr . ) P . Kumm . Syn . : Gymnopus asemus (Fr . : Fr . ) Antonin et al . F . asemus
Edible : edible mushroom
Grow : mainly on acid soils in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests
Name in latin : Collybia longipes
Edible : edible mushroom
Grow : uncommon in deciduous and mixed forests on stumps and roots only deciduous trees, mainly oak, hornbeam and beech
Name in latin : Megacollybia platyphylla
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : it has some similarities with the pluteus cervinus (Pluta deer), whose plates are painted in pink color and are located more often
Edible : edible but sometimes bitter
Distribution : throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere ,
Taste : null
Grow : singly or in small groups most often on well rotten, wet, covered with moss and lichensstumps or dead trunks of beech, birch and alder . Only occasionally fungus can be seen on the trunks of coniferous trees ,
Smell : null
Name in latin : Oudemansiella mucida
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, spread overaround the world, often in Russia and is sometimes found in large numbers in southern Primorye
Grow : on the roots and trunks of deciduous trees in forests, parks and gardens
Smell : no special smell
Name in latin : Oudemansiella radicata
Edible : edible mushroom
Taste : featureless
Grow : in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere,growing singly or in scattered groups on the roots and trunks of deciduous trees in forests, parks and gardens ,
Smell : null
Name in latin : Collybia fusipes
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom
Distribution : in Europe and North Africa ,
Taste : featureless
Grow : summer appears on the roots and stumps of dead trees, mainly oak ,
Smell : null
Name in latin : Coprinus comatus
Edible : good edible mushroom in the young state
Distribution : in Ukraine
Taste : good taste
Grow : in forest stands, open-fertilized field groups
Smell : with a pleasant smell
Name in latin : Coprinus atramentarius
Edible : good edible mushroom in the young state
Distribution : in Ukraine
Grow : sparse tufts at stumps and trunks of deciduous trees, as well as fertilized gardens and roads
Smell : with a pleasant smell
Name in latin : Coprinellus micaceus
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : distributed worldwide
Taste : a sour taste ,
Grow : as in the woods, on the wood of deciduous trees, and urbanparks, backyards, on stumps or roots of old and damaged trees
Smell : in no particular smell
Name in latin : Cortinarius mucosus
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in Ukraine
Taste : toothsome
Grow : in coniferous forests under the pines, in sandy soil
Smell : no special smell
Name in latin : Sortinarius camphoratus
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : Europe grows in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, France, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine . It is also found in the US . On the territory of Russia is found in Tatarstan
Taste : no
Grow : in coniferous and deciduous forests
Smell : with a rather distinctive musty smell like (according to the literature) rotting potatoes
Name in latin : Cortinarius multiformis
Edible : good edible mushroom
Distribution : in Ukraine ,
Grow : in coniferous and deciduous forests
Smell : with a pleasant smell, sometimes without
Name in latin : Cortinarius traganus
Edible : inedible mushroom
Distribution : in Europegrown in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Denmark, Romania, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Slovakia . In Africa, and North America is not found
Taste : unpleasant, bitter
Grow : can be found on acid soils in all forests, especially conifers, and mountain spruce forests it is especially characteristic
Smell : smellacetylene
Name in latin : Cortinarius armillatus
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with edible Cortinarius yellow and with a deadly beautiful Cortinarius
Edible : ediblemushroom low quality
Distribution : Distributed relatively widely found in Europe, North America and Asia ,
Taste : has a mild taste
Grow : in the foothills in the birch forests or under individual trees ,
Smell : null
Name in latin : Sortinarius odoratus
Edible : non-toxic, but low palatability . Because of the rarity of it is better not to collect
Distribution : European part of Russia, Europe
Grow : in deciduous forests, especially with hornbeam and beech, on calcareous soils
Smell : strong and sweet, reminiscent of the smell of flour or bird cherry flowers, sweet smelling Hebeloma Hebeloma sacchariolens when there is damage to the flesh component odor black n

Numeric filters

Edible mushrooms

deadly poisonous
not edible

mild taste
slightly bitter
the most delicious