Name in latin : Amanita crocea
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : Amanita Caesar Caesarea mushroom
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom good quality
Distribution : in the forests of Europe, North America (USA, Mexico), Japan and the Far East (Primor) canoccur in the steppe zone
Taste : no special taste
Grow : form mycorrhiza often with birch as well as spruce, oak and beech . Prefers fertile soils
Smell : odorless
Name in latin : Amanita fulva
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : fly agaric differs from others by the absence of the ring
Edible : conditionally edibleedulis
Distribution : distributed in temperate climates of Eurasia andNorth America, known in the Caucasus, Central Asia (Turkmenistan), China, Japan, the Far East (Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin, Kamchatka), as well as in North Africa (Algeria
Taste : with a pleasant taste
Grow : forms mycorrhiza with birch and other trees, lives in mixed and coniferous forests on acidic soils, often in wet, swampy areas,occurs in the steppe zone
Smell : does not have a certain smell
Name in latin : Amanita muscaria (L . EX FR . ) Hook
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : not be confused with how the fungus or from a distance, or close . To distinguish it from other mushrooms easy to bright red hat with white dots
Edible : poisonous
Distribution : grows abundantly inall the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, is common in coniferous, mixed and birch forests
Grow : grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, groups, often, from July to November
Name in latin : Amanita pantherina (DC EX FR . ) SECR .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : confusedwith an edible fat fly agaric (has smooth edges of the cap, grooved ring and a turnip tuber without vagina)
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : distributed throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, in deciduous and coniferous forests ,
Taste : null
Grow : in Ukraine
Smell : malodorous
Name in latin : Amanita porphyria
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie and the Carpathians ,
Grow : in coniferous forests, among mosses ,
Smell : with the smell of radish
Name in latin : Amanita regalis
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : many similarities with amanita muscaria (Amanita muscaria, differentcolor cap), as well as edible
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : in Northern Europe, in the foothills and mountains, spruce forests . In the south of Europe does not appear ,
Taste : tasteless
Grow : usually grows in spruce and mixed spruce forests, singly or in small groups
Smell : odorless
Name in latin : Amanita gemmata
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : similar to the most poisonous mushroom - fly agaric green . It should therefore beremember that the mushroom Amanita citrina has lemon-yellow or yellow-green hat, lint-free
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : this thermophilic species is distributed in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere . In the north it is missing, does not grow in the foothills and in the mountains ,
Taste : null
Grow : in coniferous and mixed forests most often in the woods on the sand
Smell : featureless
Name in latin : Amanita spissa
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : often confused with toxic A. pantherina, and sometimes - with fly agaric porphyry,which is rare and is characterized by a thick mushroom almost smooth gray-purple hat
Edible : edible,but not very tasty mushroom
Distribution : throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere and in Australia
Taste : null
Grow : singly and in groups, often in coniferous forests, where it forms mycorrhiza with pines and spruces
Smell : like the old potato
Name in latin : Amanita virosa
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : mistaken for edible mushroom - Agaricus arvensis
Edible : deadly poisonous mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie and forest-steppe
Taste : bad to
Grow : in coniferous and mixed forests
Smell : bad
Name in latin : Clitocybe clavipes
Edible : edible mushroom
Taste : not tasty, slightly reminiscent of bitter almonds
Grow : separately, in the coniferous forests, coniferous, at least in mixed forests, on a bed, singly and in groups often annually
Smell : slightly reminiscent of bitter almonds
Name in latin : Leccinum aurantiacum (BULL . EX ST . -AM . ) S . F . GRAY Boletaceae Syn . :
Edible : edible
Distribution : around the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere . It grows abundantly in Central Europe, North America, Southern Europe - is rare, and if it occurs in the mountains ,
Taste : comfort mushroom
Grow : mycorrhiza fungus forms and poplar, but most of all - with aspen grows in open forests among the bushes,and rising high in the mountains ,
Smell : a nice, mushroom
Name in latin : Leccinum testaceoscabrum
Edible : edible mushroom ,
Distribution : European part, the Far East, and is found above the Arctic Circle in Greenland, Lapland, Svalbard
Grow : found in swamps and if there grow birch, notonly in forests, but also in parks and gardens under separate birches . Mushroom find this and at an altitude of 2400 meters in the Caucasus Mountains
Name in latin : Auriculariopsis ampla (Lev . ) Maire Syn . : Cytidia flocculenta s . Auct
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : a bit like the inedible tsitidiyu willow (Cytidia salicina),bright red or blood red, mostly prostrate fruiting bodies that grow on willows
Edible : inedible mushroom
Grow : found quite abundant and often in the lower tier of deciduous and mixed forests, as well as outside the forest, on fallen twigs of aspen, poplar, willow sometimes
Name in latin : Hygrocybe conica \ Hygrophorus conicus
Edible : poisonous mushroom
Distribution : in the forest
Taste : wishy-washy
Grow : meadows
Smell : no special smell
Name in latin : Fistulina hepatica
Edible : a good edible mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie and the Carpathians
Taste : sour taste
Grow : in deciduous forests in August - October . most often develops on the living trunks at the base of the trunks (in hollows) old oaks and beeches as a parasite
Name in latin : Tricholoma imbricatum
Edible : edible
Taste : bitter, sometimes sweet
Grow : coniferous (pine) and mixed forests, groups to
Smell : with the smell of flour
Name in latin : Clitocybe gilva
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with Tricholoma red (Tricholomopsis rutilans), which, however, is easily distinguished by the color plates - in red blewitsthey are egg-yellow
Edible : inedible mushroom
Taste : according to some reports slightly bitter
Grow : in coniferous and mixed forests, groups are not rare
Smell : with a pungent smell
Name in latin : Tricholoma portentosum
Edible : good edible mushroom
Distribution : throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, in Polesie
Taste : palatable
Grow : in the pine forests, groups ,
Smell : with the smell of flour
Name in latin : Tricholomopsis decora (Fr . ) Singer Syn . : Pleurotus decorus (Fr . )
Edible : inedible mushroom
Grow : in coniferous and mixed forests on fallen trunks only some conifers, especially spruce and fir
Name in latin : Tricholoma auratum (Paul, ex fr . ) Gill .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : a rare mushroom - blewits yellow-brown, it differs hat with delicatescales and reddish-fibrous stalk
Edible : edible mushroom, but poor quality
Distribution : throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere
Taste : has a bitter taste
Grow : she lives mainly in mycorrhiza with pine trees
Smell : mealy smell

Numeric filters

Edible mushrooms

deadly poisonous
not edible

mild taste
slightly bitter
the most delicious