Name in latin : Lepista saeva
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom good quality
Distribution : in Russian presumably throughout
Taste : palatable
Grow : on pastures near the abandoned farms, meadows, near rivers and forest edges in the grass
Smell : mushroom, fruit
Name in latin : Tricholoma virgatum
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : can be confused with an edible fungus Tricholoma Tricholoma terreum gray
Edible : poisonous mushroom
Taste : with varying intensity burning taste
Grow : exclusively in coniferous forests under pine, larch and spruce . Prefers poor, acidic soils
Smell : no special smell
Name in latin : Tricholoma robustum
Edible : good edible mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie and forest-steppe
Taste : palatable
Grow : inconiferous forests, under the pines, in sandy soils ,
Smell : with a strong smell of fresh flour
Name in latin : Tricholoma orirubens
Edible : good edible mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie, in the Carpathian, steppe
Grow : deciduous, coniferous forests less
Smell : with a pleasant smell of flour
Name in latin : Tricholoma sejunctum
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom
Distribution : in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere (North America, Europe) . InEurope is not common, scattered
Taste : first flour, later - bitter . With age, the taste becomes bitter, bitter taste when cooking pulp amplified
Grow : in mixed forests, often under the oaks
Name in latin : Tricholoma album
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : on the Right Bank Polesie in Rostockiy - Opolye forests, right bank and left bank forest-steppe, the left bank of grass - meadow steppe
Taste : first sweet, then bitter
Grow : in deciduous forests, especially under the birch
Smell : firstwith the smell of flour, then with a very unpleasant odor
Name in latin : Tricholomopsis rutilans (SCHFF . EX FR . ) SING . Tricholomataceae
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with inedible Pholiota excellent, which is also painted in yellow or rusty-yellow color, but has a ring on the stem
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America
Taste : moderately bitter
Grow : groups on stumps and trunks of deadconiferous trees, sometimes in the dead roots of stumps
Smell : sour or rotten
Name in latin : Tricholoma flavobrunneum
Edible : edible mushroom
Grow : in deciduous (withbirch) and mixed (spruce-birch) forests, forest edges, in woodlands, roadsides, communities, groups, often annually
Smell : mealy smell
Name in latin : Amanita rubescens (PERS . EX FR . ) S . F . GRAY
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : may be confused with highly toxic A. pantherina other than brown-ocher or brown-olive hat, gentle andsmooth ring and stem growing out of the vagina
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom ,
Distribution : in Ukraine, Europe, Asia, Africa and North America ,
Taste : sweet, tangy with age ,
Grow : in coniferous and deciduous forests
Smell : without anysmell
Name in latin : Boletinus asiaticus
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : only in Western and Eastern Siberia, the Far East (mainly in the Amur region), and in additionof the Southern Urals
Grow : among larch and its culture
Name in latin : Boletinus paluster
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East . InEuropean part of Russia is found in cultivated stands of larch
Taste : has a bitter taste
Grow : in larch and mixed forests with the presence of larch in dry and humid
Smell : young mushroomsfeatureless, the old slightly unpleasant
Name in latin : Leccinum scabrum (BULL . EX FR . ) S . F . GRAY
Edible : all kinds of edible boletus
Distribution : throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere . grows abundantly in Europe and North America, is found in the Arctic Circle in Alaska and Greenland
Taste : a nice, mushroom
Grow : August appears rosy boletus, which continues to grow and in September
Smell : a fragrant mushroom
Name in latin : Boletus fechtneri Velen . Syn . : Boletus pallescens (Konrad) Singer
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : also very similar to edible boletus and rare royal (Boletus regius), which is characterized by reddish colored hats, yellow leg and yellow, not bluish flesh
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : known in Russia in the Caucasus, the Far East ,
Grow : in areas with warm climates in deciduous and mixed forests, mainly under the oaks, but also bybeeches and limes
Smell : sweet, pleasant smell, but only in young animals
Name in latin : Bolletus edulis
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with white fungusspruce and very bitter gall fungus
Edible : edible
Distribution : in deciduous forests and parks it is also under beech, hornbeam, lime
Taste : the most delicious mushroom
Grow : in birch, fir, pine and oak forests in the second half of July to October
Smell : fragrant of all edible mushrooms . Fresh white fungus does not smell, but being dried, it becomes a strong flavor,which we call a mushroom
Name in latin : Boletus aestivalis
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with a very bitter gall fungus, it grows mainly in coniferous forests, has a pinkish edge tubes and prominently throughout the coarse grid brown stalk
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in Europe, especially in the south, as in North America and North Africa ,
Taste : pleasant, mushroom, sweet
Grow : in deciduous forests and parks it is also under beech, hornbeam, lime
Smell : pleasant, mushroom
Name in latin : Boletus impolitus Fr . Syn . : Boletus sapidus Harzer
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : similar to the edible boletus (Leccinum luteoporum), but that hat over dark, wrinkled, with porestouch turn brown, and the flesh turns pink at first, and then becomes gray
Edible : edible mushroom
Distribution : in the forest and steppe zonesEurope, the thermophilic fungus . Distributed in Polesie and Carpathians, Russia is found in the central and southern strip of the European part, is rare in Western Europe
Grow : in deciduous and mixed forests, mainly under the oaks and beeches growing on limestone soils
Smell : has a faint smell of carbolic, more explicit by boiling
Name in latin : Boletus luridus SCHFF . EX FR .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : sometimesmistaken for poison devils mushroom, Boletus Kele - never has a grid on the stem
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom
Distribution : on Polesie and forest-steppe, throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere
Taste : with a pleasant taste
Grow : in deciduous and mixed forests, is also found in parks and gardens ,
Smell : with a pleasant smell
Name in latin : Porphyrellus pseudoscaber \ Boletus porphurosporus
Edible : inedible mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie
Taste : bad taste
Grow : in coniferous forests on sandy soils
Smell : unpleasant smell
Name in latin : Boletus radicans
Edible : inedible mushroom
Distribution : in Europe, North Africa and North America ,
Taste : bitter taste
Grow : mainly in deciduous forests, on calcareous and neutral soils in dry areas
Smell : pleasant odor
Name in latin : Boletus satanas LENZ
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : often confused with bluish red mushroomsedge tubes - Boletus and mottled olive-brown
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : in Polesie, in the forest, Carpathian
Taste : with a pleasant taste
Grow : in deciduous forests (under the oak, beech, hornbeam)
Smell : smelly

Numeric filters

Edible mushrooms

deadly poisonous
not edible

mild taste
slightly bitter
the most delicious