Name in latin : Amanita vaginata (BULL, EX FR . ) QUEL .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : from the toxic members of the genus Amanita (A . phalloides,A . Virosa), this fungus is easily distinguished thanks to a free sac vulva, ribbed edges
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom good quality
Taste : null
Grow : around the world, and found him in the Arctic Circle . Most often, it can be seen in deciduous forests, especially under the birch and beech on acid or neutral soils
Smell : inexpressive
Name in latin : Russula foetens FR .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : collectors often take Russula foetens for white or may be confused with russula laurocerasi
Edible : conditionally edible mushroom
Distribution : throughout the territory of Ukraine
Taste : original taste
Grow : in the mountains
Smell : peculiar smell
Name in latin : Amanita phalloides (Fr . ) LINK .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : difficult to confuse with any other, except thatwith mushrooms and primarily green, greenish and bluish russule and greenfinch
Edible : deadly poisonous
Distribution : Central Europe and occasionally comes across in the forests of conifers . the most common fungus in Europe, but is also found inNorth and South America, Asia, Japan, China and New Zealand
Taste : wishy-washy or weak nutty, sweet flavor
Grow : throughout the territory of Ukraine, summer and autumn in deciduous forests ,
Smell : first with little odor, and later with an unpleasant odor
Name in latin : Bolletus edulis
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with white fungusspruce and very bitter gall fungus
Edible : edible
Distribution : in deciduous forests and parks it is also under beech, hornbeam, lime
Taste : the most delicious mushroom
Grow : in birch, fir, pine and oak forests in the second half of July to October
Smell : fragrant of all edible mushrooms . Fresh white fungus does not smell, but being dried, it becomes a strong flavor,which we call a mushroom
Name in latin : Russula emetica (SCHFF . Ex fr . ) S . F . Gray
Edible : inedible
Distribution : around the northern temperate zone, and, apparently, and the southern hemisphere, except tropical
Taste : as a finished product - have some good taste
Grow : foundoften in damp pine forests, at forest edges, in rare shrubs
Name in latin : Suillus variegatus
Popular : in Polesie, in the Carpathian and steppe
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : only with edible Oiler cow, the latter is also growing under the pine trees, but has brown fruiting bodies and bald and not velvety surface of the cap
Edible : edible
Distribution : this fungus and peat bog under pine, as well as high in the mountains, in the subalpine zone, beneath the pine elfin wood . It can be found from June to November
Taste : in the finalform - a nice, tasty, as good as the other boletus
Grow : found in coniferous and mixed forests, especially at the edges, from July to late October
Smell : fruit
Name in latin : Amanita muscaria (L . EX FR . ) Hook
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : not be confused with how the fungus or from a distance, or close . To distinguish it from other mushrooms easy to bright red hat with white dots
Edible : poisonous
Distribution : grows abundantly inall the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, is common in coniferous, mixed and birch forests
Grow : grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, groups, often, from July to November
Name in latin : Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq . Ex fr . )
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with a few related species it is - P . columbi-nus, forms fruiting bodies in autumn before the first frost, and has a hat on blue-pink to purple color running down to the foot plate, reduced in veins
Edible : edible
Distribution : throughout Ukraine ,
Taste : in finished product - mushroom, pleasant
Grow : on deciduous trees, often on the beech, but also on the willow, poplar, birch, as ingardens and parks, and in the forests around the world ,
Smell : as a finished product - mushroom, pleasant
Name in latin : Calocybe gambosa (FR . )
Edible : edible mushroom, good quality
Distribution : In Polesie and forest-steppe
Taste : a floury taste
Grow : in the lowlands and mountains groups, stripes and circles, appearing frequently just grass gardens on the slopes, in the parks, forest edges
Smell : a powdery smell
Name in latin : Lactarius necator
Edible : edible
Distribution : very common in coniferous forests, on acid soils under spruce and pine trees . he appears in mixed forests, where it forms mycorrhiza with birch . It grows in Europe, Asia and North America ,
Taste : have a very pungent taste and conventional treatment does not make themsuitable for food ,
Grow : distributed in Polesie and forest-steppe . It grows in deciduous (under the birch) and mixed with birch forests in July - November
Name in latin : Suillus luteus
Popular : in Ukraine in coniferous (pine) and mixed forests in July - November
Edible : edible, high quality
Taste : as a finished product - very tender
Grow : under a pine tree forest and mountain pine, as well as underpine elfin wood . This is why they can be found in the mountains, and in the subalpine zone
Smell : ready-made - fruity smell nice
Name in latin : Cantharellus cibarius FR .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : to present such a chanterelle mushroom chanterelle inedible false
Edible : edible
Distribution : known in Europe, North and South America, Africa, China and Japan . There is a growing group, stripes and circles, giving a lot of fruit bodies appearingsummer and autumn in all sorts of forests
Taste : pungent taste of raw fruit disappears during cooking
Grow : mainly in mixed forests
Name in latin : Tricholoma flavobrunneum
Edible : edible mushroom
Grow : in deciduous (withbirch) and mixed (spruce-birch) forests, forest edges, in woodlands, roadsides, communities, groups, often annually
Smell : mealy smell
Name in latin : Armillariella mellea (VAHL . Ex fr . ) Karst .
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : a hazardous twins - Hypholoma, differing bright yellow, rusty-red andgray-greenish tones of their hats
Distribution : almost all over the world, it grows in the autumn beams on the stumps, trunks and roots as dead, and living trees of different species . In the forest he largely promotes the decomposition of stumps and deadtrunks
Taste : the most delicious mushroom
Smell : expressionless
Name in latin : Leccinum scabrum (BULL . EX FR . ) S . F . GRAY
Edible : all kinds of edible boletus
Distribution : throughout the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere . grows abundantly in Europe and North America, is found in the Arctic Circle in Alaska and Greenland
Taste : a nice, mushroom
Grow : August appears rosy boletus, which continues to grow and in September
Smell : a fragrant mushroom
Name in latin : Lactarius deliciosus FR .
Popular : distributed in Polesie and in the Carpathians . It grows in coniferous forests in August - October
It is possible to confuse the signs and insignia : with sharply pungent pink volnushki (Moths) - L . torminosus, having shaggy (especially at the edges) hat and white acrid milky juice
Edible : conditionally edible - just after cooking
Distribution : found wherever there are pine and spruce forests
Taste : bitter and astringent
Grow : summer and autumn groups in spruce forests, especially in overgrown grass
Smell : they have excellent taste qualities with a nice refreshing smell . If you want to keep the resinous aroma of saffron milk, then peel them off the ground, wipe with a cloth and
Name in latin : Ramaria formosa (PERS . EX FR . )
Edible : weakly -yadovity
Distribution : Ramar Ramar beautiful and golden in the northern hemispheremost common
Taste : raw and finished product has a bitter taste, is shown clearly on the ends of branches
Grow : in the lowlands and in the low mountains, the forest floor or severely decayed wood
Smell : featureless
Name in latin : Entoloma vernum
Edible : a poisonous mushroom
Distribution : European part of Russia, the North Caucasus, Western and Eastern Siberia
Taste : featureless
Grow : in the grass, and occasionally in the coniferous forests ,
Smell : null
Name in latin : Lactarius blennius
Taste : pungent taste and conventional treatment does not make them suitable for food
Grow : it can be found in old parks and gardens and, above all, in natural beech forests in the mountains
Name in latin : Ramania aurea
Edible : sedobnoe, its lemon-yellow or yellow-ocher fruit bodies are edible, but tough
Taste : raw - wishy-washy
Grow : on the forest floor or severely decayed wood, hardwood, rarely in coniferousforests in the lowlands and mountains
Smell : in its raw form - slightly mealy

Edible mushrooms

deadly poisonous
not edible

mild taste
slightly bitter
the most delicious