Potato Zhukovsky early
Zhukovsky early - very early table grade, able to form a crop of 12 kg / 10 sq. M . Quintals per hectare in 55 - 60 days after emergence .
Semi-spreading shrub, of medium height . Stems numerically small, much-branched . The leaves are large, highly dissected, dark green, slightly pubescent, with a sharp venation . Profuse flowering,short-term . inflorescence compact, many-flowered . Corolla reddish-purple with white tips . berries education is absent .
Short-oval tubers with a blunt apex of stolons and flat track, pink to red . The rind is smooth . Eyes numerically small, small . The flesh is white, no darkening when cutting . The average yield is 145 -324 kg / ha . Potential yield -600 kg / ha . Weight of marketable tubers 122 - 167 g . The starch content of 10.8 - 14.7% . Taste good . Performance in storage 92 - 96% . Resistance to mechanical damage tubers 90% . Resistant to cancer and potato nematode .
Value varieties resistant to nematodes, high early yield with good taste,tuber resistance to mechanical damage and excellent performance during storage .
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