Potato Ragneda
Of medium, table . Yield 75.7 t / ha, the starch content of 13.7 - 19 0%, taste excellent, cooking weak (Type B) .
Resistant to golden potato cyst nematode cyst (RO 1), the usualpathotype cancer (1) . characterized by high field resistance to late blight tops, viruses X, Y, average resistance to viruses S, L, M, tuber late blight, Ditylenchus destructor Thome, blackleg, anthracnose, Fusarium dry rot, scab .
Tubers round-oval, oval, yellow; eyes small; creamy pulp; resistant to mechanicaldamage, well-kept. Weight of marketable tubers 78 - 120 g . The period of rest the tubers average . The flowers are white .
Intensive varieties, suitable for cultivation on all soil types,
characterized by stable high yield, high content of vitamin C, low in nitrates .
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