Potato Platinum
Medium early , table appointments . The plant is of medium height,intermediate type is half to lodge . Sheet from medium to large, from light green to green . Leaf from mid-size to large . wavy edges weak . Corolla small, white . Trading yield 190 - 258 t / d . maximum yield - 265 kg / ha .
Tuber oblong-oval, small eyes . Rind smooth tomiddle, yellow . The flesh is light yellow . Mass marketable tuber 60 - 117 g . The starch content of 9.8 - 10.5% . good taste . heading 82 - 95%, at the level of the standard . Keeping quality 94% . It is resistant to the pathogen of potato and golden potato cyst nematode . According to the Institute of Phytopathology, moderately susceptible to late blight on tubers,susceptible to tops . susceptible to scab .
Value varieties nematode-resistance, stable yield, uniformity of tubers, high marketability and storability them .
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