Potato Leader
Early maturing, table appointments . The plant is of medium height , intermediate type, is half . The leaves are medium sized,intermediate, green . Leaf medium size . wavy edges absent or very weak . Corolla medium-sized, white . Trading yields 207 - 248 kg / ha . maximum yield 339 kg / ha . Tuber oval-rounded, with small eyes . rind is smooth, yellow . The flesh is white . Mass marketable tuber 88 - 119 g . The starch content of 12.0 -12.2% . Taste good . Heading 80 - 93%, at the level of standards . Resistant to the pathogen cancer susceptible to golden potato cyst nematode . According to the Institute of Phytopathology, susceptible to Phytophthora infestans on tops and tubers . Value varieties friendly return early production, a high yield of marketable tubers, good tastetheir quality .
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