Early maturing, table appointments . intermediate type plant, is half . The leaves are medium sized, open, dark green . wavy edges average . Corolla large . The intensity of anthocyanin painting the inside of the corolla is strong, the proportion of blue is absent or verylow .
Trading yields 167 - 360 kg / ha . Yield on the 45th day after the full shoots (the first sod) 97 - 197 kg / ha, on the 55th day of (the second digging) 127 - 217 kg / ha . Maximum yield of 409 kg / ha .
Tuber oval-round with an average depth of eyes . The skin of red . The flesh is yellow . Mass marketable tuber 94 - 210 g . The starch content of 14.5 - 15.7% . Good taste . Marketability of 76 - 96% . 88 Keeping quality% .
Resistant to the pathogen of potato, golden potato cyst nematode . According to the originator, moderately resistant to late blight pathogen is resistant to mosaic wrinkled .