Potato Firefly
Variety is mid: the growing season ends before the beginning of August with an average yield of 35 - 40 t / ha . bushtall, erect, compact . slightly branched stems, in cross section, angular, slightly (dot) colored anthocyanin along the stem . Leaf of medium size, medium dissected, dark green, pubescent weak . Corolla large, red-violet .
Tubers are pink, oval or oblong-oval, smooth rind, eyesnumerically small, medium . The starch content in tubers of high (18- 20%), flavor and keeping quality are good. The flesh is white, does not darken in raw and heat-treated . The average weight of marketable tuber 95 - 105 g .
Has field resistance to mosaic wrinkled, Gothic and mottling . Affects average degree of viruses banded mosaic andleaf curl . resistant to scab, Rhizoctonia macrosporiosis (dry leaf spot concentric) and ring rot . The leaves grow back quickly after injury Colorado potato beetle .
Zoned in Moldova .
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