Potato Early Dawn
Grade Early, intensive accumulation of tubers for 60 - 65 minutes a day of planting (10 - 15 June) harvest is 20 - 22 m / ha . The vegetation periodends at the end of July, with a yield of 40 - 45 t / ha . Bush of medium height, upright, compact, multi-stem . The stems are not branched, rounded in cross-section, painted anthocyanin in the leaf axils. Leaf of medium size, dark green, medium dissected, beardless . Corolla average with wide shares . Coloring corollared-purple . Tubers pink, short or elongate-oval, numerically small eyes, small . Starchy tubers above average (18 - 19%), taste great, good keeping quality . The flesh is white, friable, does not darken in raw and heat-treated . The average weight of marketable tuber 110- 120 g . Has a high field resistance to the streakymosaics and wrinkled . resistant to late blight, but in conditions of Moldova to the top of this disease have time to accumulate enough high yield . Resistant to rot tubers .
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