Potato Adretta
Grade bred in Germany, is mid table, high yield . Appears harvest within 75 days . Tuber yellowish, round-oval, large . Hasexcellent presentation . The flesh potatoes with a light yellow tint . Eyes too small from the outside . Contains starch 13 . 1 17.6 Keeping quality is good. Fast growing in the initial period . Ranno tubers begin to appear . Adretta gives a good yield from one bush, 1.6 - 2.1 kg . heading is 90 - 95 and the average tuber weight 100 - 150 g . High plant, bush straight, medium, heavy leafy . The leaves are large and bright with a green tint . When there is an abundance of blooming flowers, inflorescence spreading, has a lot of flowers, corolla white . Has resistance to cancer and stem nematode . resistant to late blight and it .
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