Cabbage . For early harvest . Yield - 6.4 kg / sq m . m . Grade amicably matures . To open ground . Datesmaturation: early ripening varieties for summer crops . From germination until the technical maturity passes 92 - 100 days . Fruit: cabbage round or round-flat, medium-sized, weighing 1.1 - 2.4 kg, medium density, internal stumps medium length . They are aligned in size, good taste . Average resistant to cracking of heads . cold-resistant,tolerate freezing up - 2 - 5 degrees . For fresh consumption . Grade The June handy for quick clean - the bulk of the crop ripens at the same time . leaf varieties have gentle, with plenty of vitamin C, is perfect for making useful and tasty salad, juice, and also for all kinds of home cooking.
Sowing: seedlingsin April . Seeding depth 0 . 5 - 1 cm . In the growing period is necessary to conduct fertilization, watering, ventilation, ensure that seedlings are not stretched . Before transplanting quenched . transplanting to a permanent place made 30 - 45 d