For allotment gardens, home gardens and small farms .
Recommended for use in fresh form, decoration of dishes and as an ornamental plant.
The period from germination to the mass formation of rosettes of leaves 115 - 120 days .
Rosette leaves a height of 30 - 48 cm, diameter 32- 45 cm . Sheet strongly divided by 13 - 23 segment, smooth, slightly rolling on the edge of the sheet, with an average nervation . Coloring central rib violet leaf segments - from the green to the extreme tier to violet-red in the center of the rosette , with a waxy coating medium intensity . petiole length of 6 - 10 cm . Ascorbic acid 45.76 - 49.28 mg100 g of crude material, solids - 8.98 - 9.78%, total sugar content 0.68 - 0.70% .
Yields of 5.0 - 5.5 kg / sq m . M .
Resistant to bacterial diseases, low temperatures .