For cultivation in the open ground in film greenhouses, shelters under the film . It is recommended to use the leaves and stalks of fresh and cooked . The mid .
Period offull germination to start technical ripeness 57 - 60 days . a rosette of leaves is half . Sheet broadly oval, green, finely wrinkled, medium-bubble, without hairs . stalk fleshy, juicy, crisp, without fibers . Leaves and petioles have valuable biochemical composition .
The dry matter content of 5.4 - 10.2%, total sugar 0.5 - 1.99%Beta-carotene 2.76 - 5.08 mg per 100 g of crude material, 26.2 ascorbic acid - 52.2 mg per 100 g of crude material. Weight of the plants 1 - 2 kg. Taste good quality . Yields leaf petioles and in the open field 4.8 - 10.2 kg / sq m . m . resistant to bolting and low light . Value classes: high yield, high nutritionalvalue products, plant resistance to bolting and low light .