Re-grade the German breeding medium ripening . The period from germination to the formation of heads 60 - 80 days . The head is large, weighing 1.2 - 2.0 kg, dense, dome-shaped, white- cream-colored . Cover leaves very good . Great for fresh consumption in the summer and early fall . Value varieties - heads uniformity, high yield . Sowing seedlings grown without seedling method . On the seedlings from April 10 to May 5, in open ground to a permanent place 35 - 50 day seedlings at the rate of 5 - 6 stretching . / m 2 . Direct sowing in open ground is at a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm from late May to early June . Nursing: the initialperiod is particularly important applications of nitrogenous fertilizer and watering . In the future, need earthing up and processing of the crucifer flea beetles and cabbage fly . With a lack of moisture and high temperatures heads become loose. Harvest: when the market size is cut from 3 - 4 -mya rosette leaves .