Grade is the ultra-fast in comparison with the standard MOVIR-74 . resulting in along-term selection for quality and resistance to stress factors of population varieties Moscow canning . The vegetation period 70 - 75 days .
The head is round-flat, very large, weighing up to 510 g head, thick, yellowish coloring . Dry matter content - 8,7 - 11,3%, the amount of sugar - 1.5 - 2.9% ascorbic acid - 57 - 92 mg /% .
Beginningeconomic life - 70 - 75 days after the full emergence .
Sort cauliflower ultra Moscow is unique in the group stage of ripeness - a very early stage of ripeness . By precocity and biochemical quality (dry matter content, the amount of sugars and ascorbic acid) is superior to standard MOVIR-74 25 - 30% . Resistant to changing abioticstressors (drought, waterlogging, low temperatures) . resistant to bacterial diseases, disintegration head ingrowth of flower shoots in the first year of vegetation and excessive sprouting stem fruit . It is used fresh and for canning .