Late- . Recommended for use in fresh and long-term storage . technical maturity of heads occurs at 167 - 174 days after full shoots .
Outlet compact,medium-sized and large . location leaves a semi-elevated . The leaves are medium-sized and large, gray-green, with anthocyanin, concave, finely wrinkled, obovate to rounded, smooth edge of the sheet, strong waxy film .
Kochan rounded, half-closed, with lots of smooth gray-green leaves thick coating . Weightof head of 1.6 - 2.4 kg . Palatability fresh, good and excellent . excellent density. dry matter content 8.5%, total sugar - 5%, ascorbic acid - 41.7 mg 100 g of crude material, protein - 0.6% .
Trading yield was 454 - 1060 kg / ha, 68 - 135 kg / ha higher standards Hutorok, Amager 611 . Maximum yield 1060 kg / ha (Lipetsk region) .