Vegetative period, 70 days 72
The average weight of head, 2.5-3 kg
Planting density, thousand . Stretch . / Ha 40-45
Implementation fresh .
Suitable for implementation immediately after the harvest of early hybrids and well maintained in the field before the start of Middle-hybrids .
. Early maturing . Rosette leaves horizontal . Leaf of medium size, green with a waxy coating of medium intensity, slightly bubbly, slightly rolling on the edge . Kochanrounded, partially covered, on the cut off-white .
The outer and inner short stumps . Weight of head 1.1 - 2.0 kg, the density of 4.1 points . Taste excellent and good . Trading yields 259 - 599 kg / ha, 50 - 140 kg / ha higher standards Transfer F 1 and F Kazachok 1 . maximum yield of 1040 kg / ha