Cabbage "Gift" - sort of medium (fromshoots to technical maturity 114 - 132 days) . Kochan medium-sized, rounded to rounded - flat, dense, weighing 2.6 - 4.4 kg, resistant to cracking . Kochan high in vitamin C . For fresh consumption and fermentation . Kochan stored up to 5 months . Yields of up to 10 kg / m 2 . Differs good keeping quality (until March) and hightaste . Value in high yield varieties and high taste fresh and pickled products . Sowing seedlings in April . Seeding depth 0 . 5 - 1 cm . In the growing period is necessary to conduct fertilization, watering, ventilation, ensure that seedlings are not stretched . Before landinghardened seedlings . transplanting to a permanent place made after 30 - 45 days from germination .