One of the best hybrids of cabbage early maturity, the period from planting to harvest 55 - 60 days . beautiful head, right round, smooth, thick, weighing 2.0 - 3.0 kg, with a fine internal structure and with good taste . Cabbage with veryhighly resistant to bolting and cracking . At the root, in the field - persists for more than three weeks after ripening .
Bourbon F 1 - the most productive among the early white cabbage hybrid and very plastic; can be grown in different conditions, in the second turnover, in the open and protected ground . The recommended plant density of 40 - 60 thousandplants per hectare .
Is extremely marketable: head smooth, rounded, weighing 2-3 kg . , Bright green color with a fine internal structure . Hybrid malleable enough to provide a stable result in different conditions, as well as gives an opportunity to grow it in the second overleaf . Balbro has a high levelresistance to cracking, more than three weeks is stored on the vine .