Late- . Technical maturity of heads occurs at 139 - 142 days after full shoots . Socket height 21 - 45 cm, diameter 58 - 85 cm . Sheet mean . Leaf blade length of 30 - 44 cm, width 26 - 37 cm, green with a bluish tinge,waxy film medium to strong, smooth surface . The edge of the leaf blade is uneven, undulating, venation rough, slightly fan-shaped . at the lower leaf petiole 7 - 12 cm from the border along its entire length, slightly serrated edge . Outdoor stump height 15 - 20 cm and a diameter of 5 - 8 cm . Kochan round, height 12 - 24 cm . External painting green onsection of the white-yellow . Internal stumps is 55% of the height of head . Weight of head 2 . 3 - 2 . 6 kg . Density excellent . The palatability of fresh good . Trading yield 37 . 2 - 54 . 8 t / ha . resistant to vascular and mucosal bacterial diseases, blackleg . The value of a hybrid: a high shelf life, disease resistance, suitability formechanized technologies . Approved for use in the North-Western, Central, Volga-Vyatka and the North Caucasus region in 1995 .