F 1 hybrids of cabbagevery plastic hybrid with high power growth
suitable for direct seeding
has high commodity and taste, meets all the requirements of the hybrids for pickling
egetatsionny period of 115-120 days
The average weight of head, 5.3 kg
Planting density, thousand . Stretch . / Ha 30-40 Purpose Implementation fresh, processing and storage of up to 5months .
Additional Information
Hybrid tolerates lack of nitrogen nutrition and adverse weather conditions . It should be in the field, do not crack .
Stability of Fusarium trips
Of medium . The period from full germination to start technical maturity 130 - 150 days . A rosette of leaves raised . The leaves are medium sized, round,gray-green with a waxy coating medium to strong intensity, concave, slightly bubbly, slightly rolling on the edge .
Kochan medium-sized, round, coated, thick, whitish on the cut, the internal structure of thin to medium . Bract with anthocyanin coloration of medium intensity . The outer and inner stump medium length . Weight of head 2.5 - 3.0 kg .