Cabbage Metalor F1
Growing period of 65-70 days
The average weight of head, 1.2-1.5 kg
Planting density, thousand . Stretch . / Ha 55-65
Early implementation fresh .
Additional Information
Very compact plantplanting only thickened (optimal planting density 55-65 thousand. plants / ha) . Due to their excellent internal structure is not subject to cracking, whereby cleaning is possible for a long period of time . Ideal for implementation during Summer / Fall to mass harvesting of late hybrids . Stability
Middle- . A rosette of leaves raised . The leaves are small, green, with a waxy coating of medium intensity, slightly bubbly, slightly rolling on the edge .
Kochan rounded, covered, in the context of a whitish . The outer and inner stumps short . The mass of head 0.6 - 1.2 kg, the density of 4.0 points . Good taste . Tradingyield of 263 - 423 kg / ha
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