Cabbage Mandarin F1
Mandarin F 1 (Elisem)
Late hybrid (130 - 140 days) for a very long-term storage, the use of fresh and processed . Form of heads round . Very dense structure, whitecolor inside, with short stumps . External leaves are dark green, medium size . Head out with an average weight of 2.5 to 4 kg, depending on the plant stand. Recommended number of seedlings for planting 35 - 40 000 / ha . to endure weather stress . tolerant to different growing conditions and different soil types . Excellentstored in different types of simple storage . When stored in a specially equipped vault lies more than 6 months, the amount of waste is not more than 5% . High yield more than 100 t / ha, great taste and excellent storage - these are the advantages of Mandarin F 1 .
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