Cabbage Kohlrabi Moravia
Early maturing. Recommended for use in fresh and processed . The period from sowing until the technical maturity of 80 - 85 days .
Semi-erect rosette diameter 44 - 85 cm . Average leaf blade, oval, concave, gray-green . Form tipThe leaves are round . lobed leaf margin average, crenate weak serration absent or very weak, weak notched . bubble lamina is absent or very weak, medium waxy film . Coloring veins white and green . petiole average, average thick, white and green .
Stem the fruit of medium size, diameter of 8 - 10cm, round-flat, whitish-green in color, with a flat top . Flesh tender, juicy . Weight 2.0 - 2.2 kg . Taste good quality . Keeping quality during winter storage bad .
Trading yield up to 250 - 300 kg / ha .
Hardy, resistant to -5 ° C .
Value varieties: earliness, yield stability, frost resistance, good tastequality .
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