Cabbage Cecil F1
Recommended for use in fresh and for processing (pickling) .
Is middle . The period from full germination to start technical maturity of 120 - 140 days .
Rosette leaves a semi-raised . Sheet of medium-sized to large, green to gray-green, round, concave, slightly wavy, heavily blistered, smooth edge of the sheet, strong waxy film . Outdoor stumps medium length . Kochan rounded, covered, green, dense, the cut white . Internal stumps short . Weight of head 2.5 - 3.6 kg . good taste and qualityexcellent .
Trading yields in the Central Region - 520 - 690 kg / ha, at the level of standards Belarusian 455 Krautman F 1, the Far East - 444 - 521 kg / ha, higher standard Krautman F 1 18 - 47 t / ha . The maximum productivity - 996 kg / ha, 112 kg / ha higher standard Glory Gribovskaya 231 (Vladimir region . ) . The output of marketable products 90 - 97% .
Resistant to Fusariumwilt . tolerant to vascular bacteriosis .
Resistant to cracking of heads .
The value of the hybrid: a stable yield, chorus formation of heads, aligned them excellent taste quality, resistance to fuzz
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