Recommended for use in home cooking and canning . The period from full germination to start technical maturity of 108 days . The plant is closed, the average height . The leaves are medium sized, green . A cup of fruit without spines .
Fruit of medium length, cylindrical, glossy, light green withstripes . The flesh is greenish . fruit weight 325 g . Taste good quality . Trading yield of 7.5 kg / sq m . m .
For cultivation in greenhouses and simple shelters . Highly fertile Prefers light soils, well-lit, protected from the wind location . Continuous hot (above 30 ° C) or prolonged cold snap leads tooppression of plants, flowers and ovaries fall off. Sowing the seeds produced in late February - early March . Seedlings planted in a greenhouse or under film hideout in May . Soil temperature should be above 14 ° C .
60 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row . 1 square . M usually planted no more than 4 - 6 plants, t . k . Gelled landings leads to reduction of yield
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended thickness
heated greenhouses - 2.5 pcs. / sq . m unheated greenhouses - 3 - 3.5 pc . / q . m
Harvest time (months . )
August, September
Recommended planting
Bestpredecessors melons, beans and green culture, and carrots .