Carrot Romoos
The mid-high-yielding, plastic sort of "Berlikum" . Recommended forfresh consumption, long (7 - 8 months) storage . From seedling to harvest 127 days . Plant very sturdy, upright growing, which greatly facilitates cleaning . Root cylindrical, with a thin core aligned in shape and size. Bigger, stronger root length of 18 - 20 cm, does not crack and does not break . Fleshjuicy, tasty, with a high sugar content and carotene . excellent taste . Grade produces high yields on all types of soil . The seeds have a high germination rate, it is recommended that rare seeding scheme 3 x 15 cm . Trading yields 386 - 474 kg / ha . Maximum yield 595 kg / ha . Out of marketable products 81 - 97% .
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