New, hybrid is mid Tall Nantes . recommended for long winterstorage and fresh consumption . root crop is cylindrical, with a blunt tip, the surface is smooth, smooth bark and core orange . Mass root to 110 g . Taste qualities are excellent . The high yield of marketable products . The highest yield showed in the northern regions . Trading yields 394 - 403 kg / ha . Maximum yield407 kg / ha . Exit marketable products 92 - 99% . ADVANTAGES OF HYBRID: excellent keeping quality, high sugar content and carotene, good taste Sowing seeds in open ground in the first half of May . Scheme planting 20 x 4 cm . Seeding depth 1 - 2 cm . Preferably light, not waterlogged, slightly acidic, well-aerated soil . Notbrings fresh organic fertilizers . Care and Cleaning: thinning, weeding, hoeing between rows . Note: the excess nitrogen and water retards the growth of roots . For the normal development requires a lot of potassium . Cleaning is carried out in July and August - selectively, the main - from mid-September .