Hybrid type of Nantes . Excellent force growth,
Large roots with a diameter of 3.5 - 5.5 cm and
length 20 cm . On the light sandy and sandy loam
soils length 25 cm . a slightly obtuse end. The size depends on the seed rate, potentially
very high-yielding hybrid . Average
yields without irrigation 60 t / ha . Depending on
cultivation of agricultural technology on irrigation to
100 t / ha quality product . It has a smooth
surface outer saturated color and
attractive orange inside color and
structure . High uniformity withcollection
harvest . Attached to the very root crops,
pulled out of the ground easily . tolerant to
Alternaria, ingrowth of flower shoots in the first year of vegetation and well tolerated
heat . It is plastic: adapted to
heavy soils and hot conditions . Excellent
regrowth foliage under stress .
EXAMPLE year e n d l i n p o s and t with water wa s u b oland x
root crops at lower seeding density .