Carrot Nanteyska
Nanteyska . Recommended for fresh consumption, long-term storage, canning and freezing . Rosette leaves from erect to semi-spreading . Sheet of medium length, medium and a bad cut . root crop tsilindriche¬sky, blunttip, long, orange, smooth core is large, round, orange, head of a small, flat . The flesh is very tender, juicy, orange . root crop weight of 71 - 126 g, almost completely submerged in the ground, pulled out well . regions for allotment gardens, home gardens and small farms . The mid . Recommended for fresh consumption, long-term storage, canning and freezing . A rosette of leaves on erect to semi-spreading . The sheet of medium length, green, medium and bad cut . Root cylindrical, with a blunt tip (type of Nantes), long, medium diameter, orange, smooth core is large,round, orange, head of a small, flat . The flesh is very tender, juicy, orange . root crop is almost completely submerged in the soil, pulling good . The mass of roots 71 - 126 g . Taste good quality . Trading yields in the Central region of 247 - 356 kg / ha, 36 - 74 t / ha higher standards Vita Longa, Nantes 4, Nuance, Kalgeri F 1 and F 1 Kazan . The maximum yield - 496 kg / ha of (Vladimir region . ) . Trading yields in Central Black Earth region - 257 - 384 kg / ha, in standards Vitamin 6, 13 and Losinoostrovskaya Nantes 4 - 212 - 397 kg / ha . The output of marketable products 81 - 95%, in standards 66 - 94% . Value varieties: a stable yield, the universal use of root crops, high yieldmarketable products, resistance to cracking and root crops ingrowth of flower shoots in the first year of vegetation .
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