The mid (80 - 100 days from germination to technical ripeness) grade . Rosette leaves semi-erect .
Tuber cylindrical, smooth, obtuse, orange and a length of 16 - 18 cm and a diameter of 4 - 5 cm, weighing 100 - 180 g . The flesh is orange, juicy, sweet, with great taste . Root crop is slightly raised above the surface of the soil, which facilitates manual cleaning. Variety characterized by resistance to ingrowth of flower shoots in the first year of vegetation, keeping quality high. Recommended for fresh consumption , canning, freezing and winterStorage .
Yields of 2.8 - 7.0 kg / m 2 . Sowing seeds in the soil produced in late April - early May to a depth of 1 cm distance between rows 15 - 20 cm . The grown seedlings thinned out, leaving between plants 5 - 7 cm .