Carrot Flakoro
Late-(130 - 140 days from germination to technical ripeness) grade . Sowing seeds in the soil is carried out in late April - early May to a depth of 1 cm distance between rows 15 cm . Harvest: in July and August - selectively, the main - from mid-September . The grown seedlings thinned out, leaving between plants for 5 - 7 cm . a rosette of leavessemi-erect . Root conical, blunt-pointed, up to 28 cm and a diameter of 4 - 5 cm, weighing 130 - 200 g . The core of the round . Root crop is almost completely submerged in the soil . Grade is characterized by high productivity, beautiful appearance and uniformity of root crops . Recommended for fresh consumption and long-term storage . Yields of 3.4 - 5.5 kg / m 2 .
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