Recommended for use in fresh and winter storage . The mid . semi-spreading rosette of leaves . The leaves are long,dark green, medium is cut. root crop long, blunt conical tip. Core and bark orange . Mass root 82 - 187 g . Taste good and excellent quality . Trading yields 220 - 627 kg / ha, at the level of the standard Chantenay 2461 . The maximum yield of 640 t / ha (Kaliningrad region . ) . The output of marketable products 73 - 87% . Middle-grade carrots with fusiform root crops . From seedling to the technical maturity of 90 - 120 days . Generates roots orange, slightly conical, up to 30 cm, weighing 180 - 220 g . High-quality taste . Used in fresh, for the preservation and processing . Keeping quality of root crops is high Yield 3.8 - 9 kg / sq. M . Foropen ground . Ripening: late, from germination to technical maturity passes 110 - 130 days . Root conical, blunt, saturated orange-red color, weight 60.8 - 180 g, length 20 - 25 cm . Flesh is orange-red .