The mid hybrid, from germination to technical ripenessruns 92 - 110 days . Rosette leaves a semi-raised, long petioles . The leaves are dark green, glabrous. for outdoors . Root intense orange, smooth . Average head, flat, light green . The flesh is red, a small core . Root crop cylindrical length of 20 - 22 cm and a diameter of 3.5 - 4 cm, fully immersed in the soil,easily pulled out. Weight 81 - 135 g . contain up to 18 mg% carotene . Taste evaluation of fresh fruits 5 points on a five-point system . Fine lies all winter . slightly damaged during transportation. For processing , fresh consumption, for beam production . Due to the increased content of carotene and excellent taste infresh root vegetables are indispensable as a source of food for children, people with poor eyesight and metabolic disorders . Good keeping quality root crops can store them all winter . Root high palatability are suitable for all types of home cooking .