Early maturing, high-yielding hybrid for cultivation in unheated plastic greenhouses and under time film shelters . From seedling to startmaturation 95 - 100 days . The plant is compact, medium height . Stem green, without anthocyanin, weak pubescence .
Fruits are cylindrical in shape, slightly curved, dark purple in color, shiny, smooth . A cup of green . Spikes on the calyx absent or very rare . The flesh is dense, greenish-white, with a pleasant taste, without bitterness. Fetal weight100 - 350 g . Resistant to Verticillium wilt, tolerant to spider mites .
Yields up to 8 kg / m 2 . In the open field about 500 - 800 kg / ha .
The value of the hybrid: high yield, the absence or small number of spines on the calyx, long retention period of merchantability fruits .
Recommended for canning, salting, all typeshome cooking and for cooking eggs .
for canning, salting, all kinds of home cooking and for cooking eggs .
Taste quality
Commercial quality
high ,
Resistance to diseases
to Verticillium wilt,tolerant to spider mites .
Value hybrid: high yield, the absence or small number of spines on the calyx, long retention period of merchantability fruits .
Features farming
The period from germination to full maturity
95 - 100 days
Growing up
open (closed) primer / greenhouse
seedlings in early March in warm, moist soil in a greenhouse in late May-early June
Scheme sowing
60 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row. 1 square . m usually planted no more than 4 - 6 plants, t . k . Gelled landings leads to reduction of yield
Drilling depth
2 cm
Recommended thickness
heatedTeplice - 2.5 pc . / q . m, unheated greenhouses - 3 - 3.5 pc . / q . m
best precursors melons, beans and green culture, and carrots .
For a description of the fetus
dark purple
thick, greenish-white, with a pleasant taste, without bitterness.
100 - 350 g
Height (cm)
70 - 90 cm
maintaining optimum temperature and humidity, feeding nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers, irrigation