Namesake - yielding, is mid-grade, comes into bearing in the 120 - 125 th day of germination . Srednerosloe bush, sparse, spreading, slightly leafy, height 80 cm (open ground) - 140 cm (greenhouse) . planting density 3 - 5 stretch . / m 2 . Fruits oval, very dense, heavy,weighing 500 - 900 g size 13 - 16 × 12 - 14 cm, pinkish-purple color in the technical maturity, with white flesh, high palatability . Spikes are very rare . The fruits of usable at any stage of their development, keep their commercial quality, versatile in use . resistant to tobacco mosaic virus . Designed for open andprotected ground (all types of greenhouses) . It has a wide adaptive capacity . Plants grown with garter .
Trading yield fruit 7.2 kg / sq m . M .
60 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row . 1 square . M usually planted no more than 4 - 6 plants, t . k . condensed with landing leads to lower crop
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended thickness
heated greenhouses - 2.5 pc . / q . m, unheated greenhouses - 3 - 3.5 pc . / q . m
best precursorsmelons, beans and green culture, and carrots .