Middle-(114 - From 120 dneyvcxodov do fruiting) copt . Pactenie semi-spreading, compact, mid-leafy, vycotoy 0.8 - 1.1 m . Recommended for film greenhouses and shelters . Pocev nA paccadu carried out in kontse fevpalya . seating seedlings in individual containers in the faze of cotyledons . Bycadka paccady - konets maya . Fopmipovka: udalenie vcex bokovyx pobegov and lictev do pepvoy fork . the end of July in categoryThe plants remain 5 - 6 camyx large ovaries, and other tsvety ovaries removed . B pegionax grown in southern otkpytom ground p.pyamo pocevom in mapte-appele . Plody elongated pear fopmy, length 20 - 30 cm, fioletovoy okpacki, c glossy surface maccoy 168 - 200 g . Myakot plotnaya, belaya, bez gopechi . delicate flavor, is easy and legok in preparation . unpretentious . Cxema landing 40 x 60cm . Upozhaynoct one sort plants 2.9 - 6.0 kg .