A powerful, high-yielding hybrid of an early carpal eggplant with high energy growth to grow in the open field and film greenhouses .
Fruitelongated cylindrical shape, solid, smooth, fleshy, uniform, dark purple color, with a glossy surface, a length of 20 - 25 cm and a diameter of 4 - 5 cm . The average fruit weight - 180 - 220 g . The flesh is dense, creamy-white, soft, without bitterness and smal number of seeds . high flavor quality of fruits . Matures brushes, 3 - 4 fruit on hand atincreased power ties to 6 fruits per hand .
The hybrid is characterized by resistance to stressful growing conditions, a long period of fruiting, regardless of external factors, resistance to lodging, high commercial quality and transportability. Ovaries excellent fruit, fruiting until the frost, without reducing therates . Due to the high taste, perfect shape for slicing fruit rings of the same size, portability and low content of hybrid seeds in the fruit is ideal for fresh market sales . Appointment universal . Yields
in the ground under the film seeds sown in mid-March to drop seedlings from 25 May to 7 - June 10, planted seedlings 15 - May 20
Scheme sowing
60 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row. 1 square . m usually planted no more than 4 - 6 plants, t . k . Gelled landings leads to reduction of yield
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended planting
The best precursors melons, beans and green culture, and carrots .
For a description of the fetus
dark purple
Length (cm)
20 - 25 cm
4 - 5 cm
elongated cylindrical
thick, creamy-white, soft, withoutbitterness and smal number of seeds
180 - 220 g .
Thorns on a cup
medium size, green, slightly rugose, the edges gently rolling