Policeman - yielding, mid hybrid; comes into bearing in the 120 - 135 th day of germination . Bushes vigorous, semi-spreading, densely leafy, powerful,without anthocyanin color, height 180 - 300 cm . planting density of 2.5 - 3 stretch . / m 2 . Fruits of cylindrical shape, large, heavy, dense, with a greenish pulp, weighing 400 - 500 g size 30 × 10 cm, in the technical maturity of dark purple . Spikes rare . For the hybrid is characterized by consistently high yield, good load of fruit, a long periodfruiting; fruits lined, large . resistant to tobacco mosaic virus . Suitable for heated greenhouses . Plants form a stem with 2 garter . Trading yield of 8.7 kg / sq.m. m . Carries low light . transportable .
consistently high yield, good load of fruit, a long period of fruiting
Features farming
The period from germination to full maturity
120 - 135 days
Growing up
Scheme sowing
60 - 65 cm between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row . 1 square . M usually planted no more than 4 - 6 plants , t . k . condensed with landing leads to lower crop
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended thickness
heated greenhouses - 2.5 pc . / q . m, unheated greenhouses - 3 - 3.5 pc . / q . m
Recommended planting
best precursors melons, beansand green culture, and carrots .