The mid-grade eggplant . It is recommended for use in home cooking and canning . The period from full germination to start technical ripeness of fruits 108 days . Semi-spreading plant, average height . The leaves are medium sized, green . A cup of fruit without spines .
The fruit is short, spherical shape, glossy,light purple . The flesh is white . fruit weight 315 g . Taste of product quality excellent. Trading yield of 5.3 kg / sq m . m . Grade designed for film greenhouses and shelters . planting scheme 40 x 60 cm .
Care . Forming: Remove all side shoots and leaves to the first fork in the road . The end of July on the plant leaves 5 - 6 majorovaries, other flowers and ovaries removed .
in the ground under the film seeds sown in mid-March to drop seedlings from 25 May to 7 - June 10, planted seedlings 15 - May 20
Scheme sowing
40 x 60 cm
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended planting
best precursors melons, beans and green culture, and carrots .
For a description of the fetus
light purple
315 g .
removing all side shoots and leavesto the first fork in the road . the end of July on the plant leaves 5 - 6 largest ovaries, other flowers and ovaries removed .