Plant growth medium (60 - 70 cm) . bush closed, mid-leafy, leaf light green . The flowers are collected in inflorescence 3 - 4, flower diameter up to 5 cm . For cultivation in plastic film greenhouses and film tunnels, in the southernregions - for cultivation in the open field .
Early maturing: the period from germination to technical maturity 115 - 120 days . Fruits saber, milky-white, matte . Length 14 - 20 cm . The diameter of 4 - 6 cm . Weight 180 - 200 g . The flesh is white, medium density, sweet . high-quality taste, without bitterness. resistant to disease . Usage: used incooking and canning .
Yields per plant of 1.5 - 2.0 kg . The value of a hybrid: a weak prickly bush fruit uniformity, good storability and transportability .
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