Recommended for use inhome cooking and canning industry (for canning "saute", calves, marinating) . The mid . The period from full germination to technical maturity 101 - 125 days . semi-spreading plant of medium height, height 59 - 76 cm, with weak anthocyanin coloration weak pubescence, internode short . The leaves are medium sized, green, withaverage scoring edge .
Fruit of the cylindrical curvature is very weak, long, smooth, glossy, technical ripeness dark purple . Spikes on the calyx rare . The flesh is white, firm, without bitterness. Fruit weight 160 - 180 g . Contents dry matter content of 6.8% . Yield of fruits is 210 - 246 kg / ha . maximum yield 422 kg / ha . Yield of marketable products 93 - 100% . Weakly susceptible to Fusarium and Verticillium .
Value classes: high yield, fruit aligned, recyclable, slightly prickly calyx, white, dense, without bitterness pulp .