Early maturing (105 - 110 days) cultivar with the original color to fruitsgrowing in the open field and under the film shelters . spreading plant height of 60 - 70 cm . The leaves are large, dark green, wavy . Spikes on the calyx absent or very rare . Fruits are shortened, pear-shaped, green, reminiscent of large olives, weighing 250 - 300 g . Flesh without bitterness, white with a slight greenish tinge, not dense, withcharacteristic mushroom flavor . Yields 6 - 7 kg / m² . Value varieties resistance to a complex disease, tolerance to cold, delicious taste, suitability for rapid processing . Appointment universal .
stability to a range of diseases, tolerance to cold, delicious taste, suitability for rapid processing
Features farming
The period from germination to full maturity
105 - 110 days
Growing up
in the soil under the film seeds sown in mid-March to drop seedlings from 25 May to 7 - June 10, planted seedlings 15 - May 20
Scheme sowing
60 - 65 inches between rows and 30 - 35 cm between plants in the row. 1 square . m typically planted to 4 - 6 plants, t . k . Gelled landings leads to reduction of yield
Drilling depth
1.5 - 2 cm
Recommended planting
Best precursors melons, beans and green culture, and carrots .
For a description of the fetus
without bitterness, white with a slight greenish tinge, not dense, withcharacteristic mushroom flavor