Early hybrid eggplant (70 days) . on the plant formed by 6 - 8 fruit simultaneously . semi-spreading plant height of 45 - 60 cm . Stem with anthocyanin coloration of low intensity, weak pubescence . The leaves are large, green, with a serrated edge .
Fruits are oblong-cylindrical, rich dark purplecolor in the phase of technical maturity shiny . There is a nice cylindrical shape, length 20 - 23 cm and a diameter of 5 - 6 cm . The skin is thin, the pulp is whitish-green, dense, genetically without bitterness. fruit weight 162 - 218 g . Taste of product quality excellent. commodity output up to 99% .
Hybrid is designed for open and closed ground . Temperature for seed germination 22 - 24 ° C . A hybrid is resistant to Verticillium wilt and spider mites . Scheme transplanting 100 x 40 - 35 cm . Yield 600 kg with a weave .
Is used as the fresh market and for processing .