Early maturing (105 - 110 days) hybrid for open ground, filmgreenhouses and shelters . The plant closed, a height of 60 - 70 cm . Stem without anthocyanin coloration weak pubescence . The leaves are large, green, with incised edge .
The fruit is oval, green, glossy, medium length and diameter . Spikes on the calyx rare . The flesh is whitish, without bitterness. Fruit weight 300 g . Taste excellent quality . Yieldcommodity products under the film shelters 6.8 - 7.3 kg / sq. m . Good set fruit with fluctuations in air temperature, resistant to adverse growing conditions .
The value of the hybrid: resistance to disease and stress, increased cold resistance, high yield, long and abundant fruiting, excellent taste and hightechnological qualities: any dish cooked very quickly, with minimal cooking. Recommended for all types of processing .
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